Thursday, August 20, 2009

FringeNYC 13: The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik: Deep Sea Explorer

Last Saturday night I exhaustedly dragged myself to FringeClub and the Variety Power Hour after eating a truly fantastic scallop ceviche and drinking way more wine than I should have after tramping around in the muggy heat all day (like, two glasses. I'm a lightweight).

This year, the weekend show (admission with a FringeNYC pass or $5) is being hosted by Charlie LaGreca - his brother Jeff is currently MIA, but will be returning to co-host soon, I hear. So, on Saturday, the lone brother LaGreca was joined on stage by an Australian.

The Australian at FringeClub with Charlie LaGreca

I had no idea who the Australian was, so I PMed Charlie the next day who told me this new Power Hour acquisition was Tim Watts, from the show The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik: Deep Sea Explorer.
I saw the show the other night and I am just smitten with the whole thing. Watts combines puppets, animation and live music to tell a melancholy and funny post-apocalyptic undersea adventure that exudes so much charm it simply shouldn't be allowed. Oh, and he runs the whole show himself using a Wii.

See? If he lived in NY the damn thing would run for years.

The Adventures of Alvin Sputnik: Deep Sea Explorer
HERE Arts Center - Dorothy B. Williams Theatre
Weeping Spoon Prductions
Writer: Tim Watts
Remaining Performances: Sat 22@2:15, Sun 23@8:15, Thurs 27@7:30

P.S. Excitement! I just discovered an interview with me and Maggie Cino from 2007 on the FringeClub site. Who knew? The show also includes an interview with the lovely and multi-talented Melle Powers.

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