Friday, April 2, 2010

J'aime le printemps!

I was supposed to be working on my totally late in the year and kind of bullshitty list for my favorite films of the aughts. But it's so incredibly lovely out and when springtime is staring me in the face, my thoughts immediately turn to the film collaborations of Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina. The films they made together in the 60s are among my all time favorites. Karina loved movie musicals so a lot of their films have at least one musical number of some sort included. Not Alphaville, though. But I think their marriage may have been on the rocks at that point. C'est dommage. So, instead of blathering on about my opinions, I just decided to lazily embed some clips.

Everyone has stolen from Bande à Part. Including me.

The two songs from the wonderful and anarchic Pierrot le Fou:

Une Femme est Une Femme:

The song on the Metro, also from Bande à Part:

And finally, the silent comedy short that is the film within a film from Cleo From 5 to 7, directed by Agnès Varda and staring Karina and Godard.

Now go outside everybody!

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