Thursday, July 1, 2010

Contest! Win undisclosed prizes*! (post possibly NSFW. Y'know. Depending on your work.)

1) I drew the lovely Amber Ray in open drawing last Tuesday:

2) Then I inked it at home and scanned it in:

3) I painted her using Photoshop:

4) And I added a background:

I really think there should be a block of Clever Text in the upper right corner. I'm feeling a little sluggish, myself. If any of my clever, clever readers come up with anything good - prizes will be awarded and I will post the results!

*Actually, you will be winning a copy of Plays and Playwrights 2008 - which includes my play Antarctica. If you already own a copy, we can work something out.

1 comment:

  1. (Sorry for previous posting, got stuff confused and sent before ready)


    The Burlesque Desdemona: She left them wanting Moor.

    The Burlesque Ophelia: No wonder Hamlet went crazy...


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