Friday, November 12, 2010

BREAKING: Heidi Klum is Suddenly Awesome

As I reported at great length, Heidi Klum went to the mat supporting ever so wronged Project Runway runner up, Mondo. Part of the endless, unpleasant judges deliberation revolved around Mondo's final look: Heidi and JSimp both said they'd love to wear it, Nina hated it, and Michael sneered to Heidi [paraphrasing], "Yeah, right. I'd like to see you actually wear that dress."

Well, she did. At the premier of Darren Aronofsky's ballet/girl/horror movie The Black Swan (which I'm really excited to see). I have some very mixed feelings, though, as the contentious sleeves were removed, somewhat lessening the impact. But still. I'm really adoring Ms. Klum these days, and it's gratifying that the woman who is no doubt on the correct side of history, is keeping her word.

CORRECTION: It was actually Nina who said, "I'd like to see you wear that dress, Klum."

Here's the trailer for The Black Swan. I may even see this one in the theater.

(Photo via


  1. Youch...killer trailer. Wonder if Natalie can really dance? And your right about Heidi...she rocks EVERYTHING she ever wears. I love that my word verification word was "hymen" LOL

  2. Also to be noted: Ms. Klum has given birth four times in the past seven years. It's... preturnatural. She looks healthy and gorgeous and it looks effortless (though I'm sure it's far from it).

    Apparently Natalie Portman danced when she was a kid. But I think they faked a lot of it, even though she trained a lot for the film.

  3. Black Swan. Did you see it? I saw it this weekend and don't agree with the critics. I am dying to hear what you thought.


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