Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The picture below was taken when I was seventeen a very long time ago. It was shot by a friend I no longer speak to and I think it's kind of great in its moody, gothy, self-involved teenager-y way. And my foot looks enormous.

I have a post coming up about bridging gap between one's teens and twenties, so I won't say much here, but I remember being so thoroughly confused. No one in high school would go out on a date with me if their life depended on it from what I could tell, and then when I left my horrible home town I got a lot of attention and mostly, I was baffled. I think I felt a little like Helena, you know, that everyone was making fun of me and I was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Below is a really self-consciously arty shot. I remember that dress and I loved it. And I wore those boots until they were being held together with electrical tape.

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