But, here's the thing.
It's gorgeously, finally, inexplicably beautiful out, and I have to go to the art store, spend some time outside of my blogging girl cave, and then get home in time to get all pretty for an event tonight that I'm being escorted to by the ever dashing inamorato. So. Yeah. Several hours in front of photoshop is simply not going to happen.
I recently discovered due to the valiant efforts of the obsessive people over at Cute Overload, that something called a piglet squid exists. Here is a photo of a baby piglet squid:

Now, the piglet squid is both charming and mysteriious. Their habitat is in the near darkness of the mesopelagic zone (delightfully, also referred to as the twilight zone). Some of their neighbors are fluorescent, though the piglet squid is not. Very little is known about this adorable little squid. Below, is the equally charming adult:

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!
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